Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Signs of a Passionate Artist - Part 2 of 2

5. They're not afraid to cry. The creative genius knows that tears are the juice of life, whether they are tears of happiness, despair or simply deep relating.

6. They're different and often pay a price for it. Creative geniuses often have childhoods marked with ridicule or isolation. And those tough times can continue right on through adulthood, though modern times have made such non-conformity more acceptable. I'm thinking of people like Oscar Wilde, Frida Khalo, Orson Welles, Michael Jackson, Robert Mapplethorpe, and Andy Warhol.

7. They are brave. Many a genius is trained by social ostracism to be brave and strong in standing up for their work. They know their work is valid despite what the crowd says, and they stick by it steadfastly. And public opinions can sway, often long after the artist's death. Think of Vincent Van Gogh, who only sold two paintings in his entire lifetime.

8. They are prolific. Typically, creative geniuses are always creating. It's simply what they do. Cole Porter, for instance, wrote more than 800 songs. And he wrote them wherever he went: on luxury cruise decks, or weekend jaunts to the country. Porter, who was notoriously stoic, said he finished one of his songs while waiting for rescue, after his legs had been crushed by a horse.

9. They simply can't do a half-baked job. Think about the artists you love ... even a guy like Michelangelo. He was so committed to his work, he'd literally sleep with it. All to get to the edge of perfection.

10. They love their work deeply. Michelangelo, who never married, said: "I already have a wife who is to much for me; one who keeps me unceasingly struggling on. It is my art, and my works are my children."

By: Suzanne Falter-barns

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