Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Signs of a Passionate Artist - Part 1 of 2

A few years back, I had the great fortune to spend the day at the Vermont recording studio of a jazz musician named Chuck Eller. Chuck recorded my Discover Your Soul Purpose meditation CD, and offered to provide some background piano music as well.

From the beginning, I knew the meditations needed some kind of scoring, but exactly what and how eluded me. There are no entries in the phone book for "Composer - Mystical, Healing, Background Stuff". Furthermore, I had no idea how I was going to 'direct' such a musician. ("More ... creative. No! More ... uh ... uh ... inspiring?") The whole thing was loose enough to be almost frightening.

Meanwhile, the clock was ticking and the meter was running. Enter Chuck. From the moment he sat down to play, things rolled magically. I'd say, "OK, Chuck, in this part they have to be in a wildflower field." He'd think for a minute, and then just start playing the most quintessential wildflower music you've ever heard. Then I'd say, "Now this part is warmer -- like The Waltons." And suddenly we'd be rocking on the front porch with John-boy and Grandpa.

Chuck was able to play these musical inserts totally spontaneously (nothing was composed in advance.) And he ended at just the right spot almost every single time, without even knowing how long the music should be. He did this a remarkable 23 times!

The best part was listening to Chuck fool around on the piano between each recording we made, as he probed around for good musical ideas. We began to fade into the background as he went deeper and deeper into his creative trance. Almost sheepishly, he finally looked up and said, "You know, I could just do this all day."

Working with Chuck got me thinking about how accessible his 'creative channel' was for him -- and how many people we call geniuses share this trait, along with some other distinct qualities. Just for fun, I thought I'd catalog some of those characteristics that belong to geniuses … qualities many of us share in varying degrees. (By the way, these hallmarks can apply to geniuses across the board in business, science, etc.. I'm simply using artistic geniuses here to illustrate my points.)

1. The Creative Channel is on all the time. They simply have to tune in, and boom -- they're off in that wonderful, rich creative place where inspiration lives.

2. They feel things deeply … and need to express it. I notice this particularly around my friends who are actors … their emotions run so freely and powerfully, that they feel everything twice as intensely. Furthermore, they let you know it.

3. They have natural empathy. Geniuses tend to know how you'd feel at any given moment, so they have a need to give away their feelings. An interviewer once asked Broadway composer Steven Sondheim if he could write a song about anything, and he replied, no - but that he could write about anyone, as long as he knew who the character is.

4. They find beauty in unlikely places the rest of us miss. I'm thinking of the 19th century French artists Toulouse-Lautrec and Monet who found enduring beauty in common haystacks and down at the heels prostitutes. True geniuses love the bittersweet, the forgotten, the simple.

By: Suzanne Falter-barns

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